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Error and game crash

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Unread post #141by room217au » 16.07.2019, 09:58

If anyone's got a genuine old school 24sp trans .. lemme know :)
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts.. do.

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Renault Trucks Range-T 7.5.1

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Unread post #142by Darsh71 » 16.07.2019, 23:11

Bonjour, avec cette dernière version du T, j'ai un problème que je ne peux résoudre. Je joue en DX11, avec seulement ce mod camion, et je n'arrive pas à regler correctement le rétroviseur de droite. De plus, quand je passe sur le siège passager, le coté droit visible du camion est "détaché" du camion....

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Unread post #143by Frankiee » 24.07.2019, 18:45

I purchased peterbilt 359 LHD 2.2.1 truck to ATS! 2019.07.12.
Transaction ID: 6TX8453838615043T

The game is CTD! :cry:

Game log:

00:00:58.159 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toyglass/gps.dlc_toys.pmd' in the read_only mode.
00:00:58.159 : <ERROR> [ld] Failed to open '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toyglass/gps.dlc_toys.pmd'.
00:00:58.159 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toystand/pearphone.dlc_toys.pmd' in the read_only mode.
00:00:58.159 : <ERROR> [ld] Failed to open '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toystand/pearphone.dlc_toys.pmd'.
00:00:58.162 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toyglass/gps.dlc_toys.pmd' in the read_only mode.
00:00:58.162 : <ERROR> [ld] Failed to open '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toyglass/gps.dlc_toys.pmd'.
00:00:58.162 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toystand/pearphone.dlc_toys.pmd' in the read_only mode.
00:00:58.162 : <ERROR> [ld] Failed to open '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toystand/pearphone.dlc_toys.pmd'.

Run DX9 DX11
New clean profile and no other mods but crash!

Thx the help.

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Unread post #144by jersey_09 » 31.01.2020, 05:10

Is anyone else have the k200 and 359 maxing out their GPU cause these two are and im running a 1080ti and i cant figure out why

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Unread post #145by room217au » 31.01.2020, 18:38

Frankiee wrote:The game is CTD!
00:00:58.159 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/interior_decors/toyglass/gps.dlc_toys.pmd' in the read_only mode.

Have you also added Cabin Accessories mod? You should get that file with every ATS truck you purchsae from RTA.
You need to give the Cab Acc mod higher priority than the trucks.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts.. do.

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KW T908 for ATS Camera

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Unread post #146by Graphic » 12.02.2020, 18:58


I have problem with interior camera in KW T908. Doesn`t work. :-(
How I can go to bed? It is possible?

Please help me :-)

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Unread post #147by Phillipswina » 28.02.2020, 10:30

Astonishing course of expression. Keep it up!

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ATS crashing when purchasing customized RTA trucks

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Unread post #148by AidanTrucking » 28.04.2020, 12:26

Hey guys, have disabled all workshop mods and started a fresh install (removed old mod folder too)
Whenever i finish customizing an RTA truck and go to purchase my game seems to crash , also my RTA files are all 1.35 and i am playing on 1.37 and when rolling back to 1.35 i still have the same issue, also both the 1.35/1.37 versions the exhaust sounds are super quiet and buggy or not there at all.

Here is my crash log

CRASH 1 :::::

Crash log created on: Mon Apr 27 16:07:20 2020
Build: 893908b89e1e
OS: x86_64 / Windows 10 x64 (version 10.0)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz at 4200000
MEM: Phys:16341 Virt:134217727
GPU: <unknown> Mem:0 Ver: 0

AvailMEM Virt:134207970 Phys:7077 Total:11029
TotalMEM Virt:134217727 Phys:16341 Total:27093
EXE Base address: 00007FF75A930000
Fault address: 00007FF8C60FA799 0001:00039799 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

CS:RIP: 0033:00007FF8C60FA799
SS:RSP: 002B:000000B24BF1EF60 RBP:00007FF75B952C40
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B
Flags: 00000202
RIP preamble: 89 4C 24 20 89 54 24 24 48 89 44 24 30 4D 85 C9
74 4B B8 0F 00 00 00 48 8D 4C 24 40 44 3B C0 49
8B D1 44 0F 47 C0 44 89 44 24 38 49 C1 E0 03 E8
DA 4E 05 00 48 8D 4C 24 20 48 FF 15 8F C4 16 00
RIP bytecode: 0F 1F 44 00 00 48 8B 8C 24 C0 00 00 00 48 33 CC
E8 72 EF 04 00 48 81 C4 D8 00 00 00 C3 83 64 24
38 00 EB D0 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 48 89 5C 24 08
48 89 74 24 10 57 48 83 EC 20 8B DA 48 8B F9 E8

CRASH 2::::

Crash log created on: Mon Apr 27 17:45:32 2020
Build: 893908b89e1e
OS: x86_64 / Windows 10 x64 (version 10.0)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz at 4200000
MEM: Phys:16341 Virt:134217727
GPU: <unknown> Mem:0 Ver: 0

AvailMEM Virt:134207176 Phys:7406 Total:10664
TotalMEM Virt:134217727 Phys:16341 Total:27093
EXE Base address: 00007FF7B92F0000
Fault address: 00007FF8C60FA799 0001:00039799 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

CS:RIP: 0033:00007FF8C60FA799
SS:RSP: 002B:000000227FD1ED60 RBP:00007FF7BA312C40
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B
Flags: 00000202
RIP preamble: 89 4C 24 20 89 54 24 24 48 89 44 24 30 4D 85 C9
74 4B B8 0F 00 00 00 48 8D 4C 24 40 44 3B C0 49
8B D1 44 0F 47 C0 44 89 44 24 38 49 C1 E0 03 E8
DA 4E 05 00 48 8D 4C 24 20 48 FF 15 8F C4 16 00
RIP bytecode: 0F 1F 44 00 00 48 8B 8C 24 C0 00 00 00 48 33 CC
E8 72 EF 04 00 48 81 C4 D8 00 00 00 C3 83 64 24
38 00 EB D0 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 48 89 5C 24 08
48 89 74 24 10 57 48 83 EC 20 8B DA 48 8B F9 E8

any help appreciated

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Unread post #149by Admin-RTA » 28.04.2020, 14:00

AidanTrucking, Hello
Please send a game log and I will see what the problem is
example_game log.jpg
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Unread post #150by room217au » 28.04.2020, 14:14

AidanTrucking wrote:Hey guys, have disabled all workshop mods and started a fresh install (removed old mod folder too)
Whenever i finish customizing an RTA truck and go to purchase my game seems to crash , also my RTA files are all 1.35 and i am playing on 1.37 and when rolling back to 1.35 i still have the same issue, also both the 1.35/1.37 versions the exhaust sounds are super quiet and buggy or not there at all.
None of the trucks from game version 1.35 will work on 1.37
More'n likely crash the game. It's not just sound changes in 1.37, there are a number of things that changed in def and ui files.
RTA always used Kriechbaum sounds, even in 1.36, and all of those sounds worked correctly in 1.35/1.36

The only way you can be absolutely sure it's not a mod confilct:
1. move your ATS Documents folder (completely) to another location
2. In Steam Launch options, add "-noworkshop" (without the quotes). This prevents Workshop mods from even being mounted.
3. Start the game, it will create a new Docs folder. Quit.
4. Drop your RTA trucks into your mod folder. If one doesn't exist, create it.

99.99% I say your game won't crash.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts.. do.

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Dropping Air

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Unread post #151by Mariesman » 28.05.2020, 23:29

Hi Guys

Occasionally, i find i'm dropping all air from my K200 and T908 and having to stop completely to allow it to build again, only to have it happen again. Not much fun at 55mph :)
I've checked all settings, but haven't found anything wrong. Is there a fix for this, as it happens a lot?


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Unread post #152by room217au » 31.05.2020, 06:09

Mariesman wrote:I've checked all settings, but haven't found anything wrong. Is there a fix for this, as it happens a lot?
You could try turning off "Air Brakes Simulation" in gameplay options

Practice using the engine brake or retarder or exhaust brake when slowing down.
Excessive use of foot brake will deplete the air tanks quickly.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts.. do.

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Unread post #153by Mariesman » 01.06.2020, 23:03

Cheers mate. Got it sorted. Was a sticking pedal of all things.

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Unread post #154by huntz845 » 25.06.2020, 14:16

Hi just got the updated 1.37 version of the kenworth t609 however ther is a problem it wont work as part 1 keeps showing up as t908.
have included 2 screenshots of the folders and you can see the naming.
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Unread post #155by Admin-RTA » 25.06.2020, 15:20

huntz845, Hello
Strange mistake ... We fixed
Download files again

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Unread post #156by huntz845 » 26.06.2020, 04:56

Thanks heaps that has fixed the issue. thanks

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Unread post #157by mgjsmith » 04.08.2020, 06:06

Hi, the horn fix add-on is not working for me on the k108 on ETS2, it crashes the game when the mod is activated and selecting the k108. This is the only truck I have tried it on in the game.

Here's my Game log.


Added after 54 minutes 49 seconds:
mgjsmith wrote:Hi, the horn fix add-on is not working for me on the k108 on ETS2, it crashes the game when the mod is activated and selecting the k108. This is the only truck I have tried it on in the game.

Here's my Game log.


I just tried the k200 with the horn in ETS2 and working fine but crashes the game with the k108

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Unread post #158by Admin-RTA » 04.08.2020, 12:30

mgjsmith, Hello. Fix k108 for ETS2
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Unread post #159by mgjsmith » 05.08.2020, 00:28

Thank you

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Mack Superliner

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Unread post #160by olsbyn » 24.09.2020, 10:42

There a strange issue with the Superliners weigh station device in ATS 1.38, it's reverted somehow, so when it's supposed to light up red, it lights up green and vice versa.

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