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Posted: 31.07.2020, 15:40
by danielortega
hello what happened with the sounds in k108 from version 1.37 slinik cummins isx 15 485 tp now you hear as if you were sitting in a can very strange sound and there is no air deflation at all and the turbine is one massacre what happened please reply.

czesc co sie stało z dzwiekami w k108 od wersi 1.37 slinik cummins isx 15 485 tp teraz slychac jak by siedzało sie puszce bardzo dziwny dzwiek i niema wogóle tego dzwieku spuszczania powietrza a turbina to jedna masakra co sie stało prosze o odpowiedz.

Posted: 23.11.2020, 01:06
by simonsk
more slots for ligttuning on the front bumper for all trucks, pleace
i like the trucks

Posted: 26.11.2020, 21:39
by simonsk

HI, a bumper like that would be great with light over the whole width,
would also be great if you could use the scs beacons on the roof.
all for the K108 and K200